Teaching is a two way process


As teachers we must remember that teaching is a two way process. One must go in with an open mind and be willing to learn from their students, as well as teach them. Over the past few weeks, I have realised that every teaching day is a new day. Once you think you have it figured out, the day throws you a new curve ball. Teaching is a learning process. If we want to keep teaching effectively, we have to keep learning.


Quote of the Day

cement-teachingI thought this was an interesting quote that helps us to see the impression, that we as teachers can leave on a child. We must not forget that whatever we teach, however simple, it is having some sort of an effect on students. It can affect students more than we will ever know. So keep teaching because it is having a positive effect on students’ lives without us even knowing.


Quote of the day

After having a tough week, I was looking through the internet for some inspiration and I stumbled across this quote. It really let me see that teaching has its dark days, but the one thing teachers need to remember is that we are making a difference. As teachers, we need to realise that every teaching day something new will be chucked at us, but the important thing to remember is that we are the lucky ones. We have to remember that for some students we are the only constant in their lives and we should try educate them as best we can. It may be tough but eventually the fruits they bear will be sweet.
