What is education?

Is education purely about learning in a school environment? Is education sitting in a class 5 days a week teaching certain things to students so that they will be able to acquire a worthwhile job?

I think today’s climate has made us forget about the freedom of education and how we should be teaching and learning to explore the mind and let ourselves go. We have become too focused in doing well economically, that we forget how truly liberating education can be. As teachers we need to shy away from teaching for the exam and reinvigorate the students to let themselves go in their learning.

Education should not just be for the exam. Education is for life. We need to teach students life lessons, as well as academic lessons. We are preparing our students for the future and I believe that their life skills are just as important, if not more important than their success in their exams.

Let education liberate you, not restrict you! 👍