Quote of the Day

I think sometimes as teachers, we can forget what our true goal is. there is so much pressure for our students to get top results that sometimes we give the students the answers and tell them to learn them, rather than allowing them time to uncover the information themselves.


Useful quotes for the classroom

Usually I pick one quote and share it, but I came across this handy pack which has a quote for each week in the classroom. I think displaying an inspirational quote or handing them in little card forms could really help engage and motivate the students.

Click to access quotes_small.pdf


Quote of the Day

This a quote in particular that I really enjoy. Many teachers are under pressure to sift through the curriculum so that in the end their students will be able to answer the questions that they are tested on. However, is that really what education is? Is education simply teachers dispensing and imparting knowledge on the students so that they can answer questions? I propose that the answer is no. Teachers are much more than that. We want to educate students so that they are ready for the world and can participate in it fully. Will the answers to the questions matter when they are living in the work? No they won’t. What will matter is that they can learn to ask questions, to help communicate with the world and to help develop their own knowledge further. So I believe, as teachers we must help give students the opportunity to ask the right questions, as much as if not more, than giving them the right answers. Questioning is extremely important when it comes to self-learning, we can’t learn without asking questions. So as teachers, we need to focus on developing their questioning skills so that they can instigate further learning processes in the future.  Questioning helps promote learning so it is vital.


Quote of the Day

After a difficult week this week, my colleague showed me a poem that I thought was quite fitting. Juggling a job and doing a masters at the same time can be quite difficult, but I have to keep reminding myself that I am on a journey and this journey will help me to become a better teacher. This poem is quite insightful into the struggles of life. As I read it, I felt a sense of release from the stress I was feeling. Reading through each line let me realise that life is an uphill battle, it is not meant to be easy. The most important thing is that we don’t quit. We need to keep the faith and soldier on, because in the end it will be worth it.

I also think that this would be a good resource to use in the classroom, especially coming up to exam time when students are stressed. It is a nice reminder that life is full of struggles, but most importantly it teaches us that failure is okay. It is natural to make mistakes, what is important is that we learn from our mistakes. As we learn from our mistakes, we turn our failure around into success.

So next time you hit a difficult day, week or month, remember the most important thing is ‘DON’T QUIT’.


Quote of the Day

cement-teachingI thought this was an interesting quote that helps us to see the impression, that we as teachers can leave on a child. We must not forget that whatever we teach, however simple, it is having some sort of an effect on students. It can affect students more than we will ever know. So keep teaching because it is having a positive effect on students’ lives without us even knowing.